Just Doin' Good
we're here to make your day
If you’re not high on life, you’re doing it wrong.
Happy Easter from your neighbor break in bunny.
Getting to know the family
If you really want to
Sara AKA Sara | Anna AKA Peter, Hose or Andy when preforming manly tasks | Kim AKA Marge | Dan AKA Big Papa or Poodle | New addition…. Brian “this guy”
Other people who are cool
Meet Jessica
She is Super Fun!
What do we know about Big Papa?
He breaks rules and has OCD
This Weeks Shoutout
This week's shoutout goes to Angel. Always a good time, even with a piña colada in the garage. #shedontcare
honorable mentions
Marge likes to sleep outside. Roxy is just cute. Big Papa looking adorable and somewhat dorky.
Safety First!
We are known for something
Dan is very serious about safety and preparation. Did you know he has a hurricane preparedness kit that includes an excel sheet taped to the front with the items that are in the box listed?
Don’t take life too seriously, because it doesn’t take you seriously.